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Children and adults are at the heart of our school; our school is at the heart of our community.

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing

Here are a number of websites to support you to manage you or your child's mental health and wellbeing:

This article explores how to protect your own mental health during the coronavirus outbreak:

This video provides guidance to parents and carers about how they can help children and young people manage their mental health and wellbeing during any disruption caused by the Coronavirus:

Free webinars from AC Education - including positive parenting techniques, conflict under lockdown, and understanding and calming anxiety:

Newsround video (for children) – Advice if you're worried about the coronavirus:

Newsround video (for children) - How to cope when you can’t go to school because of the coronavirus:


SHOUT - text ‘Shout’ to 85258 for 24/7 crisis text support

Childline - under 19s can call 0800 1111 for free, confidential support

Useful documents

Here are some flyers for services specifically available in Bedford Borough, and other useful documents: