Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
At Lakeview School we strive to create a learning environment which promotes respect, diversity and self-awareness and equips all of our pupils with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they will need to succeed in their future lives. We aim to provide an education which, alongside their physical well-being, enables our pupils to thrive.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils is closely tied to our belief in the core British Values and are at the heart of all that we do.
The curriculum provides a wide range of artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities that encourage pupils to work together and use imagination in their learning as well as develop in thoughtful, caring and active citizens in the school and wider community. Activities are planned that require pupils to reflect and empathize with others as well as giving them the confidence to provide their opinions and develop their own view points.
Spiritual development focuses on an individual’s own personal beliefs and values and their resulting behaviours. Through spiritual development, children are able to understand their own feelings and emotions and this enables them to reflect and to learn.
Curriculum opportunities enable pupils to:
- Be curious and to express feelings of delight and wonder (scientific investigations, Forest School, learning about pets.)
- Empathise and consider the viewpoints of others, (debates, drama activities, discussing feelings and empathising with characters in familiar stories)
- Consider how a belief can change people’s lifestyles, (R.E, investigating communities and faiths, historical case studies)
- Discuss what they think they have achieved and what they need to do to be successful in the future, (self-assessment, target setting activities)
- PSHE lessons throughout the year including Wellbeing week activities
Moral development means exploring, understanding and recognising shared values and considering the issues of right and wrong.
The classroom environment and curriculum promote moral development through:
- Codes of conduct and class rules, agreed with children and displayed in the classroom.
- Clear and consistent rewards and sanctions that children understand and believe to be fair.
- Class and school assemblies that discuss moral values and cite expectations.
- Activities that enable pupils to give opinions and show their values.
- Discussing the choices made by the pupils and others and the resulting outcomes, character studies, studies of historical figures).
- The values of ‘Justice’ and ‘Forgiveness’ are explicitly taught and modelled throughout the school
- Class duties/Register Monitors including more responsibilities for Years 5 & 6
- Sports Leaders in Year 5 & 6
- Reverse Advent Calendar and Harvest collections to help those in need
- School and Eco-Council
Social development involves learners working effectively together and participating successfully in the school community as a whole. During a pupil’s social development they gain interpersonal skills that allow them to form successful relationships and to become a positive team member.
At Lakeview School social skills are developed through:
- Modelling of positive social behaviour by all staff
- Extra-curricular clubs and activities
- Sporting opportunities for all pupils
- Turn taking and team building activities
- Pair and small group work within the classroom
- Working with others across the local community (local care homes, cluster schools, local college)
- Enterprise activities for Key Stage Two
- Whole school performances including Class assemblies, Christmas Carol concerts and nativities as well as Proms in the Playground
- School trips including residential visits in Years 4 and 6
Cultural development enables learner’s to develop an understanding of their own culture and of other cultures locally, nationally and internationally. It also means learning to feel comfortable in a variety of cultures and valuing cultural diversity.
Children are introduced to a regional and global perspective in life through:
- Stories from different cultures
- First hand experiences through local visits, theatre, art and artists
- Visitors from the local and international community
- Being part of National and International fundraising events
- Studies of a different lifestyle including different food, dress, festivals and places of worship.
- Learning about other cultures when raising money for charity
- Children are taught to understand the lifestyles and choices made by the variety of different cultures and faiths that exist within the school.
- Healthy Lifestyles Week
- Enrichment days- Roman, Greek, Mayan, Evacuee
- MFL day
- VE Day and Royal Celebration whole-school events.
- ‘50 things to do before you leave Lakeview’