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Children and adults are at the heart of our school; our school is at the heart of our community.

Values Based Education (VBE)

“Our world desperately needs hope. Values-based Education (VbE) is bringing this hope, by transforming education and society, so that young people are educated holistically. VbE creates a culture in which young people and adults thrive because they are empowered, by living their values, to ethically self-regulate their thinking and behaviour.  This is the foundation of ethical leadership, which is the key for peace , cooperation and harmony. 

Dr Neil Hawkes, Founder of VbE


Values-based Education is a philosophy which underpins all of our thoughts and actions at Lakeview.

Values-based Education (VbE) is truly inspirational; providing a structure for a positive ethos that impacts on the whole school community. It has a direct influence on the entire curriculum, and most specifically on Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), and, of course, on the teaching of British Values.

Why are we using values at Lakeview?

We want to create the climate for a happy and successful school. We believe that positive values should underpin our curriculum and all of school life.

What are our values?

Values are the important ideas and beliefs that help us decide what is right and how we should act. They guide our thoughts and actions. that guide our thinking and behaviour.

We have six core values: Responsibility; Respect; Kindness; Excellence; Perseverance; Aspiration. Each of our core values are underpinned by two associated values. These were selected by our whole staff team, with input from the children. 

How do the values guide school life?

They are:

  • A framework for developing positive attitudes to learning and achieving high outcomes.A process for nurturing well-being.

  • A focus for promoting good citizenship.
How does this the values-based approach work?
  • Together, staff and learners establish core values. The values are woven into assemblies and the curriculum. Everyone discusses and works to enact these values.

How will values be taught at Lakeview?
  • Values Assemblies

Each week, the children come together in phase groups to learn about our ‘visible value’ of the week and celebrate children who have gone ‘above and beyond’ in class as our ‘Values Champions’. The children share stories that exemplify the learner behaviours we expect to see if we are demonstrating our values in daily life.

At the end of each half term, the children take part in a values sharing assembly, where they are able to share examples of how they have applied their values in their learning. 

  • V-Time

Stands for Values, Thinking, Investigation, Making and Evaluating

V-Time is taught during our class assembly time. Pupils are randomly allocated a partner and follow a 6-step sequence, culminating in a talking/imaginary or practical activity.

More information regarding V-Time will be coming out to you soon!

  • Values tokens

Children are rewarded for living our values with values tokens. Each set of values has an associated colour. Class tokens are collected and each week the class with the most amount of awarded tokens wins our values shield! These will take pride of place on the classroom doors.

What will I notice?

Many parents notice the school develops:

  • A calm and productive atmosphere

  • Improved behaviour

  • Improved relationships