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Children and adults are at the heart of our school; our school is at the heart of our community.

Year 1 - Frogs and Toads

Teaching Staff

The Year 1 Teachers are Mrs Elbourn-Holmes (Frogs) and Mrs Marsh (Toads). They are supported by Miss Calliste, Mrs Chand, Mrs Tilley and Mrs Witcher.


Just as in Reception, children will be allocated a peg to hang their coat, book bag and PE kit on. Children should bring their planners and reading book into school every day. 


Children have playtime daily at 10:05 and in the afternoon as determined by the class teacher and these last for fifteen minutes. As the year progresses the afternoon play will be reduced until it is no longer needed. A healthy snack will be given to the children during the morning play time and they have constant access to water. Milk can also be purchased for your child to have. Lunchtime begins at 12:10pm and ends at 1:00pm.

The School Day

The Year 1 gates open at 8.40am for registration and close at 8 50am with registration taken by 8 55. Children enter school at the Reception and KS1 gate. School finishes at 3.20pm, with gates opening at 3 15 for you to collect your child from their classroom. English, Maths and Phonics will continue to be taught daily. Other curriculum areas will be taught throughout the week such as Science, History, Geography Music, French and RE. PE will be taught twice a week and children attend Forest School as a class on alternate weeks. The children are able to attend school in their PE kit on PE school days.

Home Learning

Children are expected to read at home 3 times a week as well as practising their number bonds and spellings - these can be found at the back of pupil planners.  There are optional creative challenges which children will be set dependent on the current learning. 


Please contact the main office if you wish to provide us with any information, have questions or are having any issues accessing ParentMail. Your child' class teacher is your first point of contact therefore the office will forward any communication to them should you require any class specific information or discussion. 

Please ensure the collect your child from school form is up-to-date. Additional copies of this form are held in the main office.

How you can help at home

  • Encourage and read with your child, and talk about what they have read. This will help their reading speed, understanding and their writing ability.  There is further information in the pupil planner to support you with this.
  • Support your child with their home learning and complete their 'what have I enjoyed this week/what have I found hard' section in their weekly planner.
  • Discuss the knowledge organisers with your child.